
We all love to take our dogs out for walks, but what if there was a dog beach? A dog beach is an area where dogs are permitted to swim. If you want your pet to be able to enjoy the water, here’s how you can find the nearest one in Vermont!

K9 Training Institute

Vermont Dog Beach Rules

Now that you know the best dog beaches in Vermont, it’s important to learn the rules. Each beach has its own set of regulations, so be sure to read up on them before heading out.

Some general things to keep in mind: always clean up after your dog, make sure they’re wearing a leash unless you know that the beach is an off-leash area, and keep an eye on your dog at all times.

Specific rules vary from beach to beach but may include rules like: not allowing dogs on the beach during certain hours, requiring a permit, or banning certain breeds of dogs.

So whether you’re a first time dog beach goer or a seasoned pro, be sure to brush up on the rules before you go.